Source code for spike2py.trial

import pickle
from pathlib import Path
from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import List, Literal, Union

from spike2py import channels, read, plot

    "event": channels.Event,
    "keyboard": channels.Keyboard,
    "textmark": channels.Textmark,
    "waveform": channels.Waveform,
    "wavemark": channels.Wavemark,

[docs]@dataclass class TrialInfo: """Information about trial See :class:`spike2py.trial.Trial` parameters for details. """ file: Path = None channels: List[str] = None name: str = None subject_id: str = None path_save_figures: Path = None path_save_trial: Path = None def __repr__(self): return ( f"TrialInfo(\n" f"\tfile={repr(self.file)},\n" f"\tchannels={repr(self.channels)},\n" f"\tname={repr(}, \n" f"\tsubject_id={repr(self.subject_id)},\n" f"\tpath_save_figures={repr(self.path_save_figures)},\n" f"\tpath_save_trial={repr(self.path_save_trial)},\n" f")" )
[docs]class Trial: """Class for experimental trial recorded using Spike2 Parameters ---------- trial_info : NamedTuple file : pathlib.Path, str Absolute path to data file. Only .mat files supported channels : List[str] List of channel names, as they appeared in the original .smr file Example: ['biceps', 'triceps', 'torque'] If not included, all channels will be processed name : str Descriptive name for trial; defaults to filename subject_id : str Subject's study identifier path_save_figures : pathlib.Path Path where trial and channel figures are to be saved Defaults to new 'figures' folder where .mat was retrieved path_save_trial : pathlib.Path Path where trial data to be saved Defaults to new 'data' folder where .mat was retrieved Attributes ---------- trial_info : NamedTuple Same as parameter channels : List[Tuple[str, str]] Pairs of channel names and channel types. For example: [('Torque', 'waveform'), ('Trigger', 'event')] <Channels> : channels.Channel Each channel appears with its name as an attribute. For example: trial1.Torque Raises ------ ValueError If parameter `info.file` is not a valid full path to a data file """ def __init__(self, trial_info: TrialInfo) -> None: if not trial_info.file: raise ValueError("info must include a valid full path to a data file.") self._add_defaults_to_trial_info(trial_info) self._parse_trial_data() def __repr__(self) -> str: channel_text = list() for channel_name, channel_type in self.channels: channel_text.append(f"\n\t\t{channel_name} ({channel_type})") channel_info = "".join(channel_text) return ( f"\n{}" f"\n\tfile = {Path(}" f"\n\tsubject_id = {}" f"\n\tpath_save_figures = {}" f"\n\tpath_save_trial = {}" f"\n\tchannels {channel_info}" ) def _add_defaults_to_trial_info(self, trial_info: TrialInfo): name = if else Path(trial_info.file).stem subject_id = trial_info.subject_id if trial_info.subject_id else "sub" path_save_figures = _check_make_path( path_to_check=trial_info.path_save_figures, path_to_make=Path(trial_info.file).parent / "figures", ) path_save_trial = _check_make_path( path_to_check=trial_info.path_save_trial, path_to_make=Path(trial_info.file).parent / "data", ) = TrialInfo( file=Path(trial_info.file), channels=trial_info.channels, name=name, subject_id=subject_id, path_save_figures=path_save_figures, path_save_trial=path_save_trial, ) def _parse_trial_data(self): trial_data = self._import_trial_data() channel_names = list() for key, value in trial_data.items(): channel_names.append((key.title(), value["ch_type"])) value["path_save_figures"] = value["trial_name"] = value["subject_id"] = setattr( self, key.title(), CHANNEL_GENERATOR[value["ch_type"]](key, value), ) self.channels = channel_names def _import_trial_data(self): return, def plot(self, save: Literal[True, False] = None) -> None: plot.plot_trial(self, save=save)
[docs] def save(self): """Save trial Trial will be saved (pickled) to `info.path_save_trial` as + '.pkl' """ if not pickle_file = / ( + ".pkl") with open(pickle_file, "wb") as output: pickle.dump(self, output, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
def _check_make_path(path_to_check: Path, path_to_make: Path): if path_to_check: path_to_check = Path(path_to_check) else: path_to_check = path_to_make if not path_to_check.exists(): path_to_check.mkdir(parents=True) return path_to_check
[docs]def load(file: Union[Path, str]) -> Trial: """Load saved (pickled) trial Parameters ---------- file: pathlib.Path, str Full path and file name to pickled file. For example: '/home/tammy/Desktop/trial1.pkl` Returns ------- Trial Instance of Trial class that was previously saved """ with open(file, "rb") as trial_file: return pickle.load(trial_file)