Source code for spike2py.channels

from pathlib import Path
from typing import NamedTuple, Literal

import numpy as np

import spike2py.plot as plot
import spike2py.sig_proc as sig_proc

from spike2py.types import (

[docs]class ChannelInfo(NamedTuple): """Information about channel See :class:`spike2py.channels.Channel` parameters for details. """ name: str = None units: str = None sampling_frequency: int = None path_save_figures: Path = None trial_name: str = None subject_id: str = None
[docs]class Channel: """Base class for all channel types Parameters ---------- channel_info name Name of channel (.e.g 'left biceps') units Units of recorded signal (e.g., 'Volts' or 'Nm') sampling_frequency In Hertz (e.g. 2048) path Defaults to path where data initially retrieved trialname Defaults to name of data file subject_id str indentifier times Sample times in seconds """ def __init__(self, channel_info: ChannelInfo, times: np.ndarray) -> None: = channel_info self.times = times
[docs]class Event(Channel): """Event channel class Inherits from Channel Parameters ---------- name Name of Event channel data_dict: - ['path_save_figures']: Path - Directory where channel figure saved - ['trial_name']: str - Name of trial where Event was recorded - ['subject_id']: str - Identifier - ['times']: np.ndarray - Event times in seconds """ def __init__(self, name: str, data_dict: parsed_event) -> None: super().__init__( ChannelInfo( name=name, path_save_figures=data_dict["path_save_figures"], trial_name=data_dict["trial_name"], subject_id=data_dict["subject_id"], ), data_dict["times"], ) def __repr__(self) -> str: return "Event channel"
[docs] def plot(self, save: Literal[True, False] = False) -> None: """Save Event channel figure Parameters ---------- save Set to `True` to save Event figure to `path_save_figures` """ plot.plot_channel(self, save=save) return self
[docs]class Keyboard(Channel): """Keyboard channel class Inherits from Channel Parameters ---------- name Name of Keyboard channel; default is 'keyboard' data_dict: - ['path_save_figures']: Path - Directory where channel figure saved - ['trial_name']: str - Name of trial where Keyboard was recorded - ['subject_id']: str - Identifier - ['times']: np.ndarray - Event times in seconds - ['codes']: np.ndarray of str associated with keyboard events """ def __init__(self, name: str, data_dict: parsed_keyboard) -> None: = data_dict["codes"] super().__init__( ChannelInfo( name=name, path_save_figures=data_dict["path_save_figures"], trial_name=data_dict["trial_name"], subject_id=data_dict["subject_id"], ), data_dict["times"], ) def __repr__(self) -> str: return "Keyboard channel"
[docs] def plot(self, save: Literal[True, False] = False) -> None: """Save Keyboard channel figure Parameters ---------- save Set to `True` to save Keyboard figure to `path_save_figures` """ plot.plot_channel(self, save=save) return self
class Textmark(Channel): """Textmark channel class Inherits from Channel Parameters ---------- name Name of textmark channel; default is 'Memory' data_dict: - ['path_save_figures']: Path - Directory where channel figure saved - ['trial_name']: str - Name of trial where Keyboard was recorded - ['subject_id']: str - Identifier - ['times']: np.ndarray - Event times in seconds - ['codes']: np.ndarray of str associated with keyboard events """ def __init__(self, name: str, data_dict: parsed_textmark) -> None: = data_dict["codes"] super().__init__( ChannelInfo( name=name, path_save_figures=data_dict["path_save_figures"], trial_name=data_dict["trial_name"], subject_id=data_dict["subject_id"], ), data_dict["times"], ) def __repr__(self) -> str: return "Textmark channel" def plot(self, save: Literal[True, False] = False) -> None: """Save Textmark channel figure Parameters ---------- save Set to `True` to save Textmark figure to `path_save_figures` """ plot.plot_channel(self, save=save) return self
[docs]class Waveform(Channel, sig_proc.SignalProcessing): """Waveform channel class Inherits from Channel and sig_proc.SignalProcessing Parameters ---------- name Name of Waveform channel data_dict: - ['path_save_figures']: Path - Directory where channel figure saved - ['trial_name']: str - Name of trial where Waveform was recorded - ['subject_id']: str - Identifier - ['times']: np.ndarray - Waveform times in seconds - ['values']: np.ndarray - Waveform float values - ['units']: str - Measurement units (e.g. 'Volts') - ['sampling_frequency']: int - Sampling frequency of Wavemark """ def __init__(self, name: str, data_dict: parsed_waveform) -> None: self.values = data_dict["values"] self.raw_values = self.values super().__init__( ChannelInfo( name=name, units=data_dict["units"], sampling_frequency=data_dict["sampling_frequency"], path_save_figures=data_dict["path_save_figures"], trial_name=data_dict["trial_name"], subject_id=data_dict["subject_id"], ), data_dict["times"], ) def __repr__(self) -> str: return "Waveform channel"
[docs] def plot(self, save: Literal[True, False] = None) -> None: """Save Waveform channel figure Parameters ---------- save Set to `True` to save Waveform figure to `path_save_figures` """ plot.plot_channel(self, save=save) return self
[docs]class Wavemark(Channel): """Wavemark channel class Inherits from Channel Parameters ---------- name Name of Wavemark channel data_dict: - ['path_save_figures']: Path - Directory where channel figure saved - ['trial_name']: str - Name of trial where Wavemark was recorded - ['subject_id']: str - Identifier - ['times']: np.ndarray - Wavemark times in seconds - ['values']: np.ndarray - Waveform float values - ['action_potentials']: list of lists - Each list is a Wavemark - ['units']: str - Measurement units (e.g. 'Volts') - ['sampling_frequency']: int - Sampling frequency of Wavemark """ def __init__(self, name: str, data_dict: parsed_wavemark) -> None: super().__init__( ChannelInfo( name=name, units=data_dict["units"], sampling_frequency=data_dict["sampling_frequency"], path_save_figures=data_dict["path_save_figures"], trial_name=data_dict["trial_name"], subject_id=data_dict["subject_id"], ), data_dict["times"], ) self.action_potentials = data_dict["action_potentials"] self._calc_instantaneous_firing_frequency() def __repr__(self) -> str: return "Wavemark channel" def _calc_instantaneous_firing_frequency(self): time1: float = self.times[0] inst_firing_frequency = list() for time2 in self.times[1:]: inst_firing_frequency.append(1 / (time2 - time1)) time1 = time2 self.inst_firing_frequency = np.array(inst_firing_frequency)
[docs] def plot(self, save: Literal[True, False] = None): """Save Waveform channel figure Parameters ---------- save Set to `True` to save Wavemark figure to `path_save_figures` """ plot.plot_channel(self, save=save) return self